Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The White House is made of Masonry

So, John Edwards is dropping out of the Democratic race, and it's down to Clinton or Obama. On the Republican side, Giuliani dropped out and John McCain is plowing ahead, with several others still in contention.
I wonder what a political race in the construction field would look like?
On one side, Masonry. On the other, wood. With Steel and Tilt-up running as a third party candidate. The issues in the race - character and quality, sustainability, economics and lifecycle costs. Not doubt there might be some negative campaigning, construction is messy. Early polls, based on looking around any community, would show the people prefer Masony when it counts - city hall, fire station, library, bank, executive homes, safe apartment buildings. And in the final vote, Wood and steel would both go down in flames, while tilt-up tipped over. The clear winner, Masonry.
The White House has a unique and fascinating history. It survived a fire at the hands of the British in 1814 (during the war of 1812) and another fire in the West Wing in 1929, while Herbert Hoover was President. Nonetheless, the exterior stone walls are those first put in place when the White House was constructed two centuries ago.

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