Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Workforce shortages across the country were made worse when Congress allowed part of the the H2B program to expire last year, dramatically reducing the number of LEGAL migrant workers in this country. Construction, restaurants and ski areas have been on their knees since Jan. 2 when all the H2B Visas were snapped up for the entire year by noon.
I got a big kick out of this editorial from today's New York Times regarding the latest snafoos from Congress's efforts to straighten out immigration:
"Immigration, Outsourced"
Not content to botch immigration policy all by itself, Congress has handed large parts of the job to others to mishandle. It gave the homeland security czar the czarist powers to overturn any law and ignore any court to seal the border. Now Michael Chertoff is clear-cutting a forest of regulations to wall out Mexico by the end of the year. And through the program known as 287(g), his agency is parceling out duties to a growing number of local police and sheriff’s departments, raising an army of junior deputies in the war on illegal immigrants.

read the entire editorial at

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